Over 70% of customers report that salespeople are too pushy and don't take the time to listen to them. No wonder there's such a negative stigma surrounding salespeople. Adjectives like 'greedy', 'pushy', 'aggressive' and 'money-hungry' are usually used to explain how salespeople act.
And that's not good.
I think customers feel this way for two reasons:
1. Salespeople struggle to truly and genuinely believe in their products
2. Salespeople care more about their commission than they do about the person who is giving it to them
If you REALLY cared about your customer...
You would actively listen to your customer. Not to respond, but to understand.
You would use simple logic in your communication with your customer during the close. (How to use logic in the close with your customer)
You would understand that if you fail to provide your customer with value and an experience that they can't find anywhere else - they are going to have to spend more time finding it from somewhere else.
Real sales professionals genuinely believe in their products and feel as though they are doing their customers a disservice if they fail to close.
If your product or service is as good as you say it is, your customer should want it.
If your company is as good as you say it is, your customer should want to do business with you.
If your level of service and support is as good as you say it is, your customer should have confidence in doing business with you.
If you're as good as you say you are, your customer should feel compelled to give you the sale.
When I finally believed that my product was the best, that I represented the best company, that our service and support was truly the best and that I was the best person that someone could buy from - closing my customer became easy!
I was able to shift my perspective away from the commission I was earning and focus on the relationship I was creating with my buyer.
My customers were able to understand that I really cared and genuinely wanted to help them make the best decision.